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Apple iPhone 5 - Five Features We’d Like to See

By IBTimes Reporter

By this time next month, Apple may very well have unveiled the iPhone 5, laying the rumors and speculation to rest once bed and for all. However, until that happens, let's let the speculation continue. Rumors of the new iPhone have been running rampant essentially since the iPhone 4 came out in June of 2010. When Apple didn't reveal a new iPhone at this year's Worldwide Developer's Conference (WWDC) in June like it usually does, the rumors heated up even further.

Every analyst, tech blog and expert on the planet seems to have an opinion or source as to when the iPhone will be released and what features it will include. Some have said the next generation iPhone will have scaled down upgrades, others have said there will be two phones introduced - a full on iPhone 5 and a scaled down mid-market phone and one site (UK blog KitGuru) has said a new phone may not come out until March of 2012.

Apple iPhone 5 Rumored Specifications

By IB Times Staff Reporter

Apple’s anticipated iPhone 5 is expected to arrive in September but new rumors suggest that the Cupertino-based company may delay the launch even further up to October. If the rumors are to be believed, the successor to iPhone 4 may arrive with a larger display and Near Field Communication (NFC) facility. All the rumors since the announcement of the smartphone has made it one of the most anticipated gadgets of 2011.

The new iPhone 5 will sport a new design, although the body may remain same as that of the iPhone 4. Reports said that iPhone 5 may go back to its original design of the iPhone 3G and will have a curved back that will eliminate all the gripping problems faced with the iPhone 4.

Apple iPhone 5 - Is Apple Announcing iPhone 5 Release Date?

By IB Times Staff Reporter

The iPhone 5 release rumor has reached the peak with the latest reports about the device being unveiled as early as September 7, quashing earlier theories about an October launch. The Beatweek Magazine has gone a step ahead to speculate that Apple could soon make some announcements regarding the iPhone 5 release date. It says Apple is "within minutes of announcing the release date for the iPhone 5 with iOS 5".

Earlier, a Japanese tech Web site, Kodawarisan, reported that Apple could unveil an iCloud iPhone on September 7, and that, along with a new iPhone, it could also release a slate of new iPods. Kodawarisan has a history of accurately predicting major Apple events in the past, and it says unlike last year, this year's Apple special event could be the stage for releasing iPhone 5.